Frequently Asked Questions
What is Chiropractic care?
There is nothing mysterious about chiropractic. It is a natural method of health care that focuses on locating and treating the cause of physical problems rather than just the symptoms. Chiropractic is based on this simple premise: with a normally functioning spine and a healthy nervous system, your body is better able to heal itself. Your nervous system controls feeling, movement, and all functions within your body. Chiropractic aims to improve nerve function naturally, without the use of invasive treatments like drugs or surgery.
Is chiropractic care safe?
Yes, absolutely! Chiropractic has an excellent safety record. It is a conservative and natural approach to health care that allows millions of satisfied patients to avoid harmful drugs and unnecessary surgery. As proof, one need only compare malpractice rates between chiropractors and other health care professionals. Chiropractic malpractice premiums are just a small fraction of those for medical doctors.
What is a chiropractic adjustment?
A chiropractic adjustment is a specific force applied in a precise direction to a joint that is 'locked up' or not moving properly. The purpose of this safe and natural procedure is to eliminate interference with the nervous system, improving spinal function and overall health. Once the bones or vertebrae are restored to their proper position, the spinal cord and its nerves are no longer irritated and can function as they should. Remember, the nervous system controls EVERYTHING in your body. Once the spine is 'in-line' and there is no irritation to the nerves or spinal cord, your body has the ability to be strong, healthy, and, if injured, heal. The spinal joints include the bones, cartilage, nerves, spinal cord, spinal discs, and surrounding muscles and soft tissue. All of these components are given the opportunity to be healthier with a chiropractic adjustment.
Do we take X-rays?
We take a conservative approach with regard to X-rays. Recent research has shown that X-rays are often taken unnecessarily and overused. Our thorough initial exam determines whether X-rays are needed. If there is recent trauma or our exam reveals 'red flags' that indicate the need for an x-ray, we will not hesitate to order the appropriate radiology exams.
What makes that "popping" sound?
Actually, adjustments do not always produce a sound. However, some adjusting methods can create a popping sound when the gases and fluids within a joint shift. This audible spinal release is similar to the noise made when opening a can of soda and releasing the pressure. This sound is completely harmless
Are all patients treated the same?
No, chiropractors have specialized training in various adjusting techniques to provide exceptional care to all kinds of patients. Your adjustment and treatment plan will be custom-tailored to best fit your condition and comfort level. Just like fingerprints, no two spines are exactly the same. Some factors that determine which adjusting techniques your chiropractor will use include: patient age, weight, preference, occupation, stress level, sleep quality, and, of course, spinal condition.
Is chiropractic care expensive?
Studies in recent years show that for many conditions, chiropractic is the most cost-effective option available. People who utilize regular chiropractic care spend less on total health care expenses because they are healthier and experience fewer illnesses and injuries. In 1992, the Journal of American Health Policy reported that after reviewing data from over 2,000,000 chiropractic care users in the U.S., 'Chiropractic users tend to have substantially lower total health care costs' and 'chiropractic care reduces the use of both physician and hospital care.' At our office, we are a preferred in-network provider with most insurance companies, as well as a participating provider with Medicare. If you don’t have insurance, no problem. We offer plenty of affordable options outside of insurance.