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Dry Needling

North Brunswick Chiropractic is thrilled to offer dry needling.

What is Dry Needling?

Dry needling image
Dry needling is a technique that uses thin, solid, flexible needles to treat muscular pain and dysfunction, such as myofascial pain syndrome and tendinitis. Dr. Jon will identify and treat trigger points – small, tight, and tender areas in the muscle tissue – to alleviate pain, improve function, and enhance recovery. The term “dry” refers to the absence of medication or substance injected through the needle.

Dry needling works by stimulating specific trigger points in muscles with a needle, which helps release tension and restore the muscle's normal function. Inserting the needle relaxes muscle fibers, improves blood circulation, and encourages healing.

To perform dry needling, Dr. Jon uses a fine, sterile needle to target the identified trigger points in the skin and muscle. The depth of the needle insertion varies depending on the muscle and condition being treated. Dr. Jon carefully controls the technique, adjusting the depth and intensity to effectively target the muscle, promote healing, and ensure the patient's comfort and safety.

What kinds of conditions are treatable with Dry Needling?


Neck and Back Pain


Extremity Pain




Nerve- related Pain

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Individual Treatment Fee

Frequently Asked Questions


What is dry needling?

Dry needling is a technique that uses thin, solid, flexible needles to treat muscular pain and dysfunction, such as myofascial pain syndrome and tendinitis. Dr. Jon will identify and treat trigger points – small, tight, and tender areas in the muscle tissue – to alleviate pain, improve function, and enhance recovery. The term “dry” refers to the absence of medication or substance injected through the needle.


Does Dry Needling hurt?

No. When done effectively, dry needling should not produce pain, only occasional mild discomfort at the insertion of the needle. Because the needle is so thin the sharp sensation at the point of insertion should be brief and minimal.


Does my insurance cover it?

No; however, our office charges $55 per session, or $35 when coupled with chiropractic treatment.


What is the difference between dry needling and acupuncture?

Although the two have many similarities there are distinct differences between the two. Acupuncture is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, to diagnose and treat various conditions utilizing meridian therapy. Dry needling is based on a Western Medicine approach, to treat only local myofascial pain, tension, or tightness.


Are there side effects associated with treatment?

Generalized soreness near the area of treatment and potential bruising. If you are experiencing these symptoms it is recommended to apply heat/ice, as needed, along with gentle stretching and light exercise.


What conditions are typically treated with Dry Needling?

Dry needling can be utilized for various musculoskeletal conditions. Such as, but not limited to, neck, back, and extremity pain, headaches, general muscle tension, TMJD, and nerve-related pain.

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