Auto Injuries
Before you do anything else, please read all of the following information. It is important that you understand your situation and are fully aware of your options so you can make informed decisions regarding your health.
Frequently Asked Questions

What is this going to cost me?
It is extremely rare for a patient at our office to incur out-of-pocket expenses for auto accident-related treatment. Since our office accepts liens, we will only collect payment once the insurance company has paid for the treatment, ensuring there will be no out-of-pocket expense to you, the patient.
In fact, we have never had a case where a patient had to personally pay for their treatment following a motor vehicle accident.
Are my car insurance premiums going to go increase if I receive treatment?
Short answer: no.
By law, your insurance company cannot raise your rates simply because you used your medical coverage.
You have the right to use this medical coverage. In fact, in North Carolina, most drivers have medical coverage called 'Med Pay' as part of their auto insurance policy and don't even know it. Most of the time, it's included in your policy because it's very inexpensive. It's the cheapest form of insurance available on your car insurance and one of the most important you can buy. $10,000 in Med Pay coverage averages about $13.50 for six months ($2.25 per month), and $25,000 averages about $17.50 for six months ($2.91 per month). It can be applied to anyone involved in the Med-Pay insured vehicle and can also aid in the amount you receive in your personal injury settlement.
Why do you need to seek treatment immediately even if you are NOT in pain?
It is not uncommon, and is well documented in the literature, for symptoms to appear long after the injury has occurred. For instance, I'm sure at one point in your life you’ve performed an activity, gone for a run, or lifted weights and didn’t immediately feel sore. Then, after a few days, you start to feel tight and achy muscles as a result of that activity.
The most important reason to seek treatment immediately is to reduce the inflammatory response and limit tissue injury. One study found that when treatment was delayed by more than 24 hours, symptoms lasted nearly twice as long compared to the average.
Why is it important to act A.S.A.P.?
I can't tell you how many times I've heard patients say, 'I have a bad back/neck because I was in an accident a long time ago. I also have tingling down my arms.'
These are the people who didn’t receive treatment following their accident. For them, scar tissue has built up, muscles have shut down (getting stiff and tight), and joints have become fixated. The sooner you come in for an evaluation, the easier it will be for us to eliminate inflammation and reduce scar tissue formation, making your treatments more successful.
Unless you have someone advocating for your case, you could easily go without receiving the care and rehab you need. That’s why we actively work with attorneys and medical doctors to manage your case. Painkillers and muscle relaxers may help take the edge off, but they won't heal your tissues correctly or rehabilitate the muscles that were injured and torn in the accident. At North Brunswick Chiropractic, we conduct a complete and detailed physical exam and analysis to ensure that all of your conditions resulting from the accident are treated appropriately, so you can get back to enjoying the things you love to do.
Why come to us?
Here at North Brunswick Chiropractic we will:
Accept your case on a lien basis – meaning you pay nothing.
Protect your medical rights.
Help you find legal representation if needed.
Order police reports, emergency reports, and any other necessary documents.
Perform a thorough history of the accident.
Conduct a complete and detailed exam.
Determine the type and frequency of care based on your specific diagnosis.
Communicate with insurance adjusters.
Communicate with your lawyer.