Conditions We Treat

Back Pain

Most back pain is caused when one or more of the joints in the back becomes overstressed, malpositioned, and irritated. Chiropractic adjustments along with supplemental therapies can aid in restoring normal function, decrease inflammation, and stabilize the spine to decrease pain and prevent further injury to the area.

Back Pain

Neck Pain

Neck pain is the 2nd most common reason patients come to a chiropractor. Increased muscle tension and postural abnormalities are 2 of the most common causes of neck pain and tension. Chiropractic care in very effective in reducing muscle tension, and restoring the normal function to the cervical spine, in turn reducing the patients pain and improving their quality of life!

Neck Pain


Tension headaches are affecting about 75% of Americans. And Migraines are surprisingly more common than most think. Although headaches can have multiple factors there is usually a cervical spine (neck) aspect that if treated can at least diminish the frequency and severity of headaches, and in many cases resolve the headaches completely.


Disc Conditions (Bulge, Herniation, Disc Degeneration, etc)

There are discs between the bones of the spine that provide cushioning and allow increased flexibility. If these discs become damaged or herniated, they can cause nerve compression. Patients with a slipped/herniated disc can experience severe pain, numbness/tingling, and weakness in the arms or legs. Chiropractic care specializes in reducing these herniations and decompressing the nerves that travel into the arms and legs.

We now have spinal decompression at North Brunswick Chiropractic! Spinal Decompression is designed to relieve pressure that builds up on the discs and nerves.

Learn more about Spinal Decompression

Disc Conditions (Bulge, Herniation, Disc Degeneration, etc)


The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and controls a large portion of the lower extremity. When this nerve becomes compressed it can cause radiating leg pain, numbness/tingling, and weakness in the legs. Chiropractic adjustments along with gentle supplemental therapies help to decompress the sciatic nerve and reduce the patient’s symptoms.


Auto Accident/Whiplash Injury

The traumatic events of a motor vehicle accident can cause a variety of issues. There can be muscle, tendon, and ligament damage as well as severe inflammation. The impact of the injury also causes the muscle surrounding the spinal joints to spasm. This muscle spasm causes the joints motion to be restricted. The restriction in joint function leads to pain and discomfort when the patient tries to move around.

Learn more about how we treat and handle auto accident cases

Auto Accident/Whiplash Injury

Pinched Nerve

The spine contains almost 100 joints! At times these joints may become misaligned due to abnormal muscle tension, postural abnormalities, incorrect lifting, and traumatic events. If the joint misalignment becomes too severe, it can pinch a nerve in the spine causing severe pain. Chiropractic adjustments restore the natural alignment to these spinal joints taking the pressure off of the nerve and giving the patient relief.

Pinched Nerve


3-6 million people in America suffer from Fibromyalgia, 90% of them women. This chronic disorder causes pain in every part of your body for more than 3 months. If you are diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, you may suffer from symptoms such as headaches, extremely painful menstrual cramps, restless legs syndrome, cognitive and memory problems, and trouble sleeping. These symptoms are slow onset, usually starting to show in early adult years. It is a chronic condition that may last a very longtime, if not forever. Chiropractic can be considered one of best ways of treating this disorder. Fibromyalgia causes the muscles to be very tight and Chiropractic care can help prevent that as well as keeping the muscles from losing movement, and decreasing pain in the muscles. So stop suffering through the pain and call us!



Pregnancy is very stressful on the body and can lead to severe aches and pains for the expectant mother. Chiropractic care helps relieve that stress, and maintain joint mobility over the course of the pregnancy. It also can help with the delivery process by keeping the pelvic joints mobile, and reducing delivery time.


Arthritis Pain

Providing proper movement to arthritic joints can help reduce stress and pain. You may not be able to remove the arthritis though you can slow its progression and move towards less pain, less stiffness, and increased range of motion.

Arthritis Pain

Post Surgical Pain

Surgery doesn’t always work perfectly and take all pain away. In fact some pain is caused by the surgical process itself. Adhesions, scar tissue, and misalignment are factors that need to be addressed whether they were a problem before or a by-product of surgery. Chiropractic addresses these very issues.

Post Surgical Pain

Knee Pain

The Knee joint can have underlying tracking issues that cause a buildup of pressure. Arthritic knees have been subjected to long term pressure. The knee can be addressed with pressure relieving techniques and assistance to mobilize and reduce irritation of the remaining cartilage.

Knee Pain

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain has connections to the mid back and neck regions through the scapula (shoulder blade). Also, the shoulder joint itself can have movement introduced to it that helps the body to repair and restore its natural ability.

Shoulder Pain

Hip Pain

The hips and pelvis are large weight bearing groups that need to be in a good balance in order to sustain the heavy demand asked of them. Strength alone won't suffice. Balance is attained through easy adjustment techniques and mobility movements.

Hip Pain

Muscle Pain

Muscles are attached to joints and have a unique position and movement. If the joints slip out of position, the muscles will react. Muscles should be addressed.

Muscle Pain

Other conditions we treat

Due to the variety of treatment methods we use at North Brunswick Chiropractic, we have the ability to successfully treat a wide range of conditions. Just ask, and we will be happy to discuss whether we think we can help.

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